Miller Kay
Sage Leonor
Kahlo Dora Maar Leonora Carrington Meret
Oppenheim Eileen Agar
Varo Claude Cahum Dorothea Tanning
Women of Surrealism
Introduction Browsing
Areas Subject Terms Key Sources Dictionaries Encyclopedias Indexes
and Bibliographies Miscellaneous
Print Reference Sources On-Line
is a literary and artistic movement which began in the mid 1920s in which the
artists and writers were trying to unlock the unconscious mind. They were specifically inspired by the
writings of Sigmund Freud. The term
surrealism was coined by the poet Guillaume
Apollinaire in 1917. The movement
however, does not officially begin until 1924 when Andrι Breton writes the
Surrealist Manifesto.
While Surrealism has been studied extensively, the women of
the movement have not, which is unfortunate since they played a major role in
the movement, both as artists and as subjects.
This pathfinder has been created to help find information
and conduct research on the women of surrealism. This pathfinder is specific to the University
of South Florida Tampa Library, all of these resources can be found in the
Tampa Library at the University of South Florida, unless otherwise stated.
Eileen Agar: Angel of Anarchy
Browsing Areas
The following library of congress call number headings correspond
to the subject of art and books on Surrealism will be found within these
sections of the library.
N = Visual Arts NX=
Art in General TR=
Remedios Varo: Alchemy
Subject Terms
The following is a sampling of terms to use when searching
in databases. In addition to the terms
dont forget to use artist names.
Surrealism Women Artists Feminism and the Arts Arts,
Modern -- 20th Century - Psychoanalysis
Dora Maar: Pere Ubu
Key Sources
These are the primary sources one uses when looking at women
and the Surrealist movement. It is of
the utmost importance that these sources are consulted when researching women
and Surrealism.
Bretons Surrealist Manifesto IS THE primary source on Surrealism; it explains and defines what
surrealism is from the founding members point of view.
A. (1969). Manifestoes of surrealism (R. Seaver, H. Lane R. Trans.). Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Freud, particularly his writings on dreams, dream symbolisms, and fetishism,
are extremely important as Freuds theories were the preeminent subconscious
theories studied by Surrealists.
S. (1953-1966). In Strachey J. (Ed.). The standard edition of the complete
psychological works of Sigmund Freud. (J. Strachey, A. Freud, A. Strachey
& A. Tyson Trans.). London: Hogarth Press.
It is important to look at
the two works by Chadwick as she is considered the preeminent author on the
subject of Women and Surrealism, and these works are considered to be the
paramount writings on the subject.
W. (Ed.). (1998). Mirror images: Women, surrealism, and self-representation.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Chadwick, W.
(1985). Women artists and the surrealist movement (1st ed.). Boston, MA:
Little, Brown.
Dorothea Tanning: Eine Kliene Nachtmusik
Yale Dictionary of Arts and Artists
This dictionary contains a nice entry on surrealism listing the people involved
in the movement. It also contains
individual entries on a few of the female surrealists. There is a nice entry on Frida Kahlo, which
contains biographical information on her accidents as well as her relationship
with Diego Rivera.
Langmuir, E., & Lynton, N. (Eds.). (2000). The Yale
dictionary of art and artists. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
A Biographical Dictionary of Women Artists in Europe and America
Since 1850 This source contains many of the surrealist women, and provides
basic biographical information including some information on the artists training, as well as cursory
information on the subject matter of the artists work
Biographical dictionary of women artists in Europe and America
since 1850(1990).
In Dunford P. (Ed.). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
The Dictionary of Art This
dictionary provides a thorough overview of the Surrealist movement. The entry is divided into time periods; there
is an entire section devoted to the visual arts. There is an entry for almost all of the
female Surrealists. The source provides
a list of surrealist writings, as well as a bibliography and a listing of
exhibition catalogs.
Turner, J. (Ed.). (1996). The dictionary
of art. New York: Grove's Dictionaries.
Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art
and Artists A nice brief but good definition of surrealism; includes entries
on a few of the female Surrealists.
Read, H. (Ed.).
(1994). The Thames and Hudson dictionary of art and artists (expanded
and updated ed.). New York: Thames and Hudson.
The Grove Dictionary of Art: From Expressionism to Post-Modernism Provides a nice
comprehensive overview of surrealism; however there are no individual artist
entries. There is a listing of
surrealist writings and a bibliography.
J. (Ed.). (2000). The grove dictionary of art. From expressionism to post modernism: Styles and movements
in 20th-century western art.
New York: St. Martin's Press.
The Prestel Dictionary of Art and Artists in the 20th Century This
source has a definition of Surrealism and contains entries on nearly every
female Surrealist. The entries include
brief biographies, information subject matter and mediums, which the artists
worked and some exhibitions that the artists participated in.
Schmied, W., Whitford, F., & Zφllner, F. (Eds.). (2000). The
Prestel dictionary of art and artists in the 20th century. Munich: Prestel.
Kahlo: Henry Ford Hospital
Encyclopedia of World Art - Contains a very
thorough entry on surrealism including its dada origins, as well as theory and
development and characteristics of surrealist art.
Carson, B., Brainerd, R., &
Dorothy, C. (Eds.). (1959-1968). Encyclopedia of world art. New York:
Praeger Encyclopedia of Art Provides
a nice overview of surrealism as well as an entry on Dorothea Tanning.
D. (Ed.). (1971). Praeger encyclopedia of art. New York: Praeger
Encyclopedia of the Arts Provides
a brief entry on Surrealism and it lists all of artists involved in the
Runes, D. D., & Schrickel, H. G. (Eds.). (1946). Encyclopedia
of the arts. New York: Philosophical Library.
Facts on File Encyclopedia of Art
Provides an entry on Dada and Surrealism, giving an overview of
the movements and how they are related.
Also talks about specific works, but they are all by male
Surrealists. The source provides a
bibliography pointing to works about Surrealism in general.
Gowing, L. (Ed.). (2005). Facts on file encyclopedia of art.
New York: Facts on File.
Carrington: Three Cats
Indexes and
Bibliography of the History of Art Like the title
implies this source is a comprehensive bibliography on the history of art. When using this source one should search in a
multitude of ways; one should look up everything and anything associated with
their topic. For example Women and Surrealism
should be approached by looking up Surrealism, specific artist artists, titles
of works, the issue being researched (i.e. fetishism or feminism).
Bibliography of the history of art (1996). Santa Monica, CA: J.
Paul Getty Trust, Getty Art History Information Program.
Women in the Fine Arts: A Bibliography and Illustration Guide
By looking up a particular artist one is able to find writing by
that artist or about the artist. This
source includes a great entry on Whitney Chadwick.
Anderson, J. A. (1991). Women in the fine arts: A bibliography
and illustration guide. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland.
Women Artists: An Historical, Contemporary, and Feminist
Bibliography This is a great source, it
provides publications on women in general as well as entries on specific
artists that include a brief biography of the artist, and it lists additional
sources on the specific artist, and tells the type of information you will find
in the publication.
Piland, S. (1994). Women artists: An historical, contemporary,
and feminist bibliography (2nd ed.). Metuchen, N.J: Scarecrow Press.
Art Index This resource is an index
to both foreign and domestic publications, including periodicals, yearbooks,
and museum bulletins. By looking up the
movement and or artist one will be directed to relevant publications.
Dougan, A.
M., & Furlong, M. (Eds.). Art index.
New York: H. W. Wilson.
Index to Artistic Biography. First Supplement This
resource directs one to biographies on particular artists.
Havlice, P. P. (1981). Index to artistic biography. first
supplement. Metuchen, N.J: Scarecrow Press.
Art Books: A Basic Bibliography of Monographs on Artists
This source directs one to monographs on artists.
Freitag, W. M. (Ed.). (1997). Art books : A basic bibliography
of monographs on artists (2nd ed.). New York: Garland Pub.
Sage: Hyphen
Miscellaneous Print
Reference Sources
The Oxford Companion to Art This source
provides a nice definition and overview of Surrealism.
Osborne, H. (Ed.). (1970). The oxford companion to art.
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
World Cultural Leaders of the Twentieth Century
This source contains a nice comprehensive biography of Andre
Breton, the founder of Surrealism, it helps in seeing the thought process
behind his theories on what Surrealism is.
The source also has an entry on Kahlo, which provides general information
on her biography and her painting.
Durham, J. L. (2000). World cultural leaders of the twentieth
century. Santa Barbara CA: ABC-CLIO.
The Bulfinch Guide to Art History: A Comprehensive Survey and
Dictionary of Western Art and Architecture This
source has a nice entry on surrealism, which mentions a few of the female
Surrealists. What is great about this
source is that it contains a chapter entitled Women as Artists and
Subjects. As the female Surrealists
played important as both artists and subjects this chapter may provide insightful
West, S. (Ed.). (1996). The Bulfinch guide to art history: A
comprehensive survey and dictionary of western art and architecture (1st
North American ed.). Boston: Bulfinch Press.
The Art Lover's Almanac: Serious Trivia for the Novice and the
Connoisseur This source provides a brief definition of Surrealism, and lists
all the artists involved in the movement, and their birth and death dates, and
Hume, H. D. (Ed.). (2003). The art lover's almanac: Serious
trivia for the novice and the connoisseur. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Oppenheim: Object
On-Line Resources
The following electronic resources are available to USF students
and faculty through the USF Library System. These databases must be accessed on
the USF campus or by connecting remotely through blackboard.
Art full text and Art Index Retrospective Article
JSTOR Art and Art History Article database
AMICA Image database
Saskia Image database
Bibliography of the History of Art On-line version of the print resource
described above.
Grove Art Online Online encyclopedia of art.
Scholars of art and art history consider this source to be an authority
in the field.
Leonor Fini: Ileria